Close for Comfort

Bringing expert diagnostics directly to your bedside.

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Cut the hospital hassle.

Sitting for endless hours in a hospital emergency room waiting to be tested is nobody’s idea of fun. Not to mention the unnecessary germ exposure and the inconvenient commute back and forth. No need to put yourself through all that even in time of emergency.

Instead, you can get RapidX to perform emergency diagnostics in the comfort of your home.

I know. You want to know why people take the hospital route. No clue. Maybe they enjoy watching the clock handles move.

“My eldery mom fell and needed a knee X-Ray done to determine the scope of her injury. At the age of 94, there was no way we were putting her through the dreaded emergency room experience. Thanks to RapidX she didn’t need to move from her sofa for even a minute!”
Simi Tauber​
Queens, NY

You get no advance notice for medical emergencies. There are times when you need a test and you need it fast. 

RapidX is equipped for all situations and guarantees to be at your side at a speed that will shock you.

Even when the entire sane world is asleep. We’ll still come running to test you. We’re nice like that.

“It was on a legal holiday and all the places I called were closed. We really needed to get the test done. RapidX was the only one that was ready, willing and able to commit! Within an hour we had someone show up!”
Chelsey Clinton
Westchester, NY

Time is
of the essence.

Access to results.

You trust your doctor and want him/her to get fast access to the results.

RapidX’s portal sends the results and images directly to your doctor so they have immediate access and can guide you on the best course of treatment.

We knew you what you were thinking. ‘Who in the world will be reading the results.’ Right? Yeah, it’ll be your primary doctor.

“My doctor knows me and my medical history best. I wanted him to study the images and diagnose accordingly. RapidX’s results process was so smooth that even my doctor was impressed.”
Taylor Swift

Medical technology moves fast and so do we. Our equipment reflects the latest that science has to offer resulting in superior testing solutions for the patients we serve.

In other words: Cutting Edge. As much as we didn’t want to write that overused cliché, that’s what our tech is.

“As a doctor, it’s important to me that my patients have access to the best examination equipment. By sending them to RapidX I know that they’ll get the most up to date testing machinery that’s out there. ”
Anthony Fauci
Washington DC

Tech Forward